Friday, December 11, 2009

Good Books

I, Pastor Matt, in case you were not aware, enjoy reading. I'd like to now have a list of all sorts of books that I think you all should read. I will put them into different categories as well. It should be self explanatory.

The Basics
*There are a lot of theology books out there. In my opinion the best systematic theology book is Wayne Grudem's.
*"Walk Thru the Bible" by Bruce Wilkinson

The Deeper Stuff
*"Knowing God" by J.I. Packer
*"The Pursuit of God" by A.W. Tozer

Not For the Faint of Heart
*C.S Lewis. Read anything and everything by him. (The ones that I recommend in particular are: "The Great Divorce", "Mere Christianity", "The Chronicles of Narnia Series"{fiction}, "The Screwtape Letters".

*The Man Who Was Thursday" by G.K. Chesterton

*The Cost of Discipleship" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

*Desiring God" by John Piper (The thing with Piper is if you read him once you simultaneously read both everything he and Jonathan Edwards ever wrote)

For the Truly Adventurous
*"The Gagging of God" by D.A. Carson (It's 600 pages long and would be worth it if it were 1000, one of the most important books on postmodern culture you could get. Be warned this is the furthest thing from an easy read)

*"Confessions" by Augustine. (Despite my penchant for hyperbole, I have to say that next to Jesus, and Paul stands Augustine as one of the three most influential figures in the Western World. In other words if you don't read Augustine, then you might as well only read the Bible)

*"The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck

Personal Favorites
*Plato's Republic
*"The Irresistible Revolution" by Shane Claiborne
*"The Meaning of the City" by Jacques Ellul. (This one's a little crazy)

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